Simulation of the Effect of Fuel Nano Catalysts on the Combustion Performance of a Liquid Propellant Engine using Computational Fluid Dynamics

Document Type : Original Article


1 khatamol anbia university

2 Asistant prof, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Khatmol Anbia Air Defense, Tehran, Iran


In this research, the combustion chamber of the liquid propellant engine has been simulated numerically by the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method. After the simulation, several methods have been proposed to improve the combustion. These include using baffle inside the combustion chamber, increasing the equilibrium ratio and the nano catalyst. In each of these methods, the combustion temperature, mass fraction of fuel and oxidizer, mass fraction of combustion products and mass fraction of pollutants were calculated and compared with a simple chamber. The results showed that using these methods increases the combustion heat by 28.36%, reduces fuel mass fraction by 27.91%, increases mass fraction of complete combustion products including water and nitrogen, and reduces NOx pollutant mass fraction by 26.85 as it is known that NOx pollutant is a product of incomplete combustion and generally reducing it results in better combustion.


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Volume 9, Issue 1 - Serial Number 25
January 2021
Pages 151-165
  • Receive Date: 25 October 2020
  • Revise Date: 13 November 2020
  • Accept Date: 18 January 2021
  • Publish Date: 21 June 2020