Numerical study of destruction effects due to collision of bullet on airplane wing

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Engineering, Imam Ali University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Engineering, Imam Ali University

3 department of engineering, imam ali university

4 Astronautical Systems Research Institute Aerospace Research


In the present research, studies were conducted by a three-dimensional simulation of fluid flow passing around both an undamaged wing and a wing damaged by a bullet (namely a star-shaped damaged wing), using the Ansys-Fluent numerical software. We assumed a viscous, unsteady and incompressible flow to observe the effects of wing damage on aerodynamic performance and coefficients such as the lift and drag coefficients. In order to conduct the study, for the wing consisting of  airfoil, the Reynolds number  value was considered equal to . After meshing and gaining grid independency, the results were validated. Due to the turbulence of the flow regime, we have used the  turbulence model to properly investigate the problem near the wall and outer layers. As a novelty in the present study, in addition to the mentioned model, and turbulence models have also been used to simulate the problem and examine the differences resulting from their usage. The numerical results were validated with the valid results available, as a good agreement was observed. The numerical results show that a star-shaped damaged in the wing leads to reducing the lift force, increasing the drag forces and thus reducing the aerodynamic performance of the wing. Also, the results show that by increasing the angle of attack, a severe star-shaped damage on the wing reduces the lift forces and increases the drag forces.


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Volume 9, Issue 2 - Serial Number 26
November 2021
Pages 65-78
  • Receive Date: 27 February 2021
  • Revise Date: 17 March 2021
  • Accept Date: 10 April 2021
  • Publish Date: 29 November 2021