The numerical Study of Aerodynamic Performance of a UAV Discrete Wing with the Morphing Capability

Document Type : Original Article


1 tarbiat modares university, faculty of mechanics

2 Tarbiat Modares university


In this research the aerodynamic performance of a discrete wing capable of morphing, has been studied based on the numerical techniques. In the proposed wing the chord-wise strips have been implemented to resemble a bird wing’s feathers. The morphing mechanism composed of changing the wrist angle which is equal to the partially sweep angle and the wing planform area. Here it is shown that by utilizing this proposed simple mechanism, the MAV/UAV could enhance its aerodynamic performance and also produce control power in the longitudinal and lateral maneuvers. Firstly, the benchmark geometry and a suitable numerical scheme are introduced. The results are then compared and validated against the reference available data. Consequently, the parametric study is performed by selecting the morphing wing tip sweep angle and the angle of attack as the variables and the force coefficients and efficiency as the performance indices. This kind of morphing could make the efficiency increase, up to 13 percent. Flow simulations around the wing are depicted for various morphing angles and for two angles of attack, both in the steady and unsteady manner. The results are also compared and analyzed. Based on the current research, one may continue to estimate the control forces produced by this simple mechanism to expedite the longitudinal and lateral maneuvers in a specified MAV.  


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Volume 10, Issue 1 - Serial Number 27
December 2021
Pages 115-128
  • Receive Date: 12 July 2021
  • Revise Date: 18 October 2021
  • Accept Date: 23 October 2021
  • Publish Date: 22 May 2021