Simulation of turbulent flow around high lift devices of a heavy commercial wide body aircraft in different phases of flight

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Parand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Parand, Iran

2 Department of Aerospace Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor-Department of Mechanical Engineering, Parand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Parand, Iran


In this paper, CFD aerodynamic simulation of turbulent compressible fluid flow around high lifting control surfaces of a wide body heavy commercial aircraft in different flight phases using Spalart-Allmaras single equation density based to extract of the lift, drag and mean pressure aerodynamic coefficients have been carried out. Modelling of the wing of Airbus A380 in the actual dimensions based on super critical airfoil SC(2)-0610 using 3D design software SolidWorks to generate 2D and 3D geometries has been done. The unstructured mesh in 2D and 3D according to the different configurations of 2D airfoil/3D wing control surfaces has been done using ANSYS Workbench meshing tools and then the CFD modelling for a turbulent compressible subsonic air flow regime in 2D and 3D using ANSYS Fluent is done. Mesh independence study, model validation and comparison of the results for the 3D wing are done. The effects of changes of different configuration of slat and flap lifting devices in the leading and trailing edges and for different angels of attack before stall of the wing according to different flight phases (take off, cruise and landing phases) on the aerodynamic coefficients in the 2D/3D turbulent flow regime have been investigated. Contours for pressure, velocity, Mach number distribution and velocity vectors around the A380 airfoil and wing control surfaces have been presented.


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Volume 10, Issue 2 - Serial Number 28
February 2022
Pages 67-102
  • Receive Date: 21 September 2021
  • Revise Date: 28 November 2021
  • Accept Date: 10 January 2022
  • Publish Date: 20 February 2022