Uniformization of the ventilation process in the internal exhibition halls of the Shush Antiquities Museum with limited interventions

Document Type : Original Article


1 School of Architecture and Urbanism, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University

2 School of Architecture, Institute for Higher Education ACECR Khouzestan

3 استاد


The interior design of archeological museums should be such that the least damage is done to the works. Meanwhile, the temperature difference and the lack of uniform air ventilation in the interior of the galleries is one of the influential factors in the destruction of museums. Therefore, the main goal of this study was to standardize the ventilation process in all the interiors of the galleries so that all points have adequate ventilation and the temperature difference is minimized. All tests were performed in the Museum of Antiquities of Shush as a test sample. Due to its nature, this research is considered interdisciplinary, and its research method combines experimental, simulation, and case study strategies. First, periodic tests were performed experimentally in the Museum of Antiquities of Shush (case study). The temperature, speed, and direction of indoor air flow (dependent variable) were measured and recorded during the test period by precision digital devices. Simulations were performed by computational fluid dynamics (CFD) method with the help of Gambit and Fluent software after proving validity and reliability and architectural interventions were made. Then the data were analyzed, and test results were extracted. Based on the interventions that took place in the architecture and ventilation systems, with only the relocation of the blowers and vacuum cleaners and small changes in the composition of the interior architecture of the galleries, the effective flow of indoor air was established in all interior parts of the galleries. Its interior was improved by 85%.


Smiley face

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