Aerodynamic and dynamic analysis of winged precision munition in conical flight

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student, Faculty of Aerospace, Azad University, Research Sciences Unit, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Aerospace, Khajeh Nasir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Aerospace Faculty, Azad University, Research Sciences Unit, Tehran, Iran


One of the new methods that are used in order to remove actuators and scanning targets in top attack bomblets is the spiral or helical method. In this method, biologically inspired by the flying concept of the single-winged seed, for instance, those of the maple and ash trees, the bomblets undergo a helical motion to scan the region and meet the target in the descent phase.  In order to perform a conical flight, the bomblets should be launched at a certain height with a certain initial speed. The parachute system has a large processional movement of the body in the descent phase and creates many problems to have a stable flight. In this article, it has been tried to use two asymmetric wings in the landing phase instead of the parachute to reduce the sensitivity of the bomblets to environmental factors such as wind. But due to the asymmetry of the body and the rotation of the body, the use of the wings can affect the quality of the scan. In order to investigate the effects of scanning quality, fluid-dynamic simulation has been used. The results show that due to the presence of rotation and the coupling of dynamic equations, the cross moments of inertia should be close to zero so that the scanning quality is within an acceptable range. This is especially difficult due to its asymmetry, which can lead to penalties such as an increase in the weight of the warhead or a decrease in the warhead.


Smiley face

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  • Receive Date: 28 February 2023
  • Revise Date: 08 June 2023
  • Accept Date: 02 August 2023
  • Publish Date: 25 August 2023