Experimental Study of Plasma Effects on the Stagnated and Propagating Flames Properties

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Combustion process improvement as one of the most important factors in the energy supplement for different devices has attracted great attention. Recently the concept of plasma assisted combustion as a new approach to increase efficiency and reliability of combustion based systems in the different working conditions has considered. In the present paper, two different experimental setups are used to investigate plasma system effects on the operational characteristics of combustion process. At the first setup, open and confined Bunsen burner is used to study premixed stagnated flame. In this structure flame properties are measured by optical schlieren photography method based on generation and stability of the flame cone. At the second setup, constant volume chamber is used to analyze propagating flame in combustible environment. In this structure high speed schlieren photography from propagating flame front and high frequency pressure measurement is used to study premixed propagating flame. Results indicate that, in the open stagnated flame plasma effects improve the laminar flame speed, in the confined stagnated flame plasma effects improve the flame stability and in the propagating flame plasma effects reduce the ignition delay, develop the lean flammability limit and increase laminar flame speed.


Smiley face

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