Investigating the effects of secondary and dilution air holes and chamber diameter on the performance of ramjet engine combustion chamber

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran

2 Master's degree, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran


In this research, the performance of ramjet engine combustion chamber has been evaluated by applying geometrical and physical changes such as changing the diameter of the chamber, changing the size and displacement of the secondary and dilution air holes and changing the mass flow passing through these holes. To do this, at first some typical ramjet combustion chambers were introduced and some of their features were discussed. Then using the information and guidance presented in scientific and technical references a suitable combustion chamber was designed for the defined inlet and outlet conditions. After the geometry has been determined, the simulation process has been carried out in Fluent software and while presenting the results, the performance of the chamber has been investigated. The results show that the values obtained for the geometry of the chamber and the position of the holes are reliable and changing the sizes has no global advantage and is not recommended. Furthermore, it is found that displacing air holes location could improve solution convergence.


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